Restricted: Dwarves Only, others use the Guild Artisan Background
Most cultures *like* beer. To dwarves, it is sacred. The brew masters who make it are more like priests than artisans. They are chosen for having exceptional taste buds and the instincts needed to elevate mere brewing to the art form the dwarves demand.
Skill Proficiencies: Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Brewer's Kit
Apron, brewer’s tools, book of recipes, keg of beer (12 servings of signature brew), silver tankard, pouch containing 50gd.
Feature: Signature Brew
If a brew master spend their down time brewing they are able to make one barrel of their signature brew (one barrel contains 12 servings).
Anyone who consumes a serving of signature brew gains an inspiration die that lasts for an hour or until used. Dwarves get a d4, other humans and demi humans else get a d3.
Tihs works like and is compatible with bardic inspiration. You can have both kinds but you can’t use them both to affect the same roll.
Feature: Sober Up
A brew master can spend an action to sober up at any time, completely negating any and all effects of any alcohol they have consumed.
A brew master who has left the profession to become an adventurer must have either burned out or been disgraced somehow. Otherwise they would still be doing it and would be treated as heroes by their people.
Dwarven brewing is an exhausting discipline that leaves little room for anything else. Some brew masters never takea mate becase they couldn’t find the time to court. This can lead to burn out.
Disgrace can be as simple as failing to win “brew off” against another clan.