Information about character lifespan in Black Rose can be found HERE
Several new races have been added.
They include the Bullywug, Gargoyles, Mouselings and the Undying.
The following are the races that can be found in Murgulmuir broken down by rarity.
The most common races in each area are as follows (listed in order from most to least). Races that aren't listed may be present but represent less than 10% of the population of the area.
Inner Wheel: Halfling, Human, Aarakocra
Upper Wheel: Human, Half Orc, Halfling
Merchant Ward: Human, Halfling, Gnome (Rock), Tabaxi, Kenku
Sprawl: Human, Goblin, Half Orc, Mouseling
Old City (Ruins): Kobold, Dwarf (Grey/Duergar), Gargoyle
Lower Wheel: Human, Goblin, Dwarf
Hold: Dwarf, Human
Warrens: Goblin, Half Orc, Human, Kenku, Tabaxi, Bullywug
Docks: Human, Lizardfolk, Bugbear, Bullywug, Elf (High), Triton
Overall Population (most to least): Human, Goblin, Half Orc, Kobold, Halfling, Orc, Elf (Dark), Gnome (Dark), Tiefling, Mouseling, Bullywug, Elf (High), Aarakocra, Elf (Wood), Trition, Gargoyle, Undying
In terms of race and culture, in the city the status of the various races is as follows, listed from highest to lowest (Aasimar, Dragonborn, Goliath, Firbolg aren't listed because there aren't enough of them to be considered):
Halfling, Elf (High), Aarakocra, Triton, Dwarf (Hill or Mountain), Mouseling, Human, Elf (Wood), Gargoyle, Lizardfolk, Bullywug, Bugbear, Goblin, Half Orc, Tabaxi, Kenku, Elf (Dark), Tiefling, Undying, Orc
Goblin: A lot of Murgulmuir's underclass are goblins. There are thousands of them in the city. Families of forty or more in one building are common. Often, only a few from each of these family groups (the call them pods) work. The rest are indolent or restless. The guard tried to oust them from the city on more than one occasion as they have with the Orcs, but it is almost impossible to root them all out and they come right back. They have resorted to easing up on efforts to control them in the sprawl and warrens so they are able to keep the Wheel itself relatively orderly.
Half Orc: Most of the Orcs were driven out of the city over 20 years ago but the legacy of the time when they were resident in large numbers are the half orcs that are their descendants. Those that favor their Orc parent are treated as Orcs by the guard but those who can 'pass' essentially live as humans. There is a lot of prejudice against Half Orcs, who humans tend to see as 'tainted' and less than. It is a had life for them and they often respond to harassment with either surly resentment or fits of violent outrage.
Humans: There are more humans than any other race in Murgulmuir, but they aren't dominant the way they are in the rest of the region. There are humans in the ruling class but there are just as many nonhuman "lords". The vast majority of humans in the city are commoners.
Halflings: For centuries most halflings were farmers. Their vulture made them the perfect peasants. Some excelled at being mercants and these saw that their people were being taken advantage of. Exploiting their skill, luck and the fact that most other races underestimated them they forged powerful trade guilds and amassed fortunes with which they bought the influence to lift them out of what they now saw as servitude. Halfling Masters now wield a great deal of power in Mugulmuir. their Guilds employ Elven Corsairs and Hobgoblin muscle to further their aims.
These are races that are common enough that if you have been in Murgulmuir for a while you have probably seen them around.
Bugbear: Most of the Bugbears in the city work in the warehouses or on the docks. They are lazy but strong, able to carry heavy burdens with ease. They are ideal workers when you need to load or unload something quickly. Bugbears are clannish but one family has pushed out members of all the others. Every Bugbear you encounter in Mugulmuir is related and they all answer to Momma Kung. Whenever the guard has a problem with a Bugbear (usually drunkenness) they go to Momma Kung and ask her to sort it out.
Dwarf (Hill or Mountain): There is ample work for the kind of work dwarves excel at in the city. The only reason there aren't more is that they 'can't abide all the greenskins' (goblins, hobgoblins, orcs and half orcs). Many of Murgulmuir's dwarves live in "the Hold" - a predominately dwarven ward in the Lower Wheel. Denied their inclination to burrow by being so close to shore they instead favor sturdy, compact homes they call "vaults" that they don't really consider homes. To a dwarf any time spent outside their subterranean homeland is time that must be endured stoically. No dwarf lords would come anywhere near the Wheel but some dwarves use the term "King" like others might use "Foreman" or "Guild Master" so a boss named Durgle at the smelter might be 'King Durgle" to the dwarves that work under him.
Gnome (Rock): These inveterate tinkerers are in high demand throughout the city. A few have mitered the art of black powder which allows them to create and maintain firearms such as muskets and flintlock pistols.
Kenku: These strange creatures have found their way to the sprawl in relatively large numbers considering how few of them there seem to be. They have a talent for various forms of larcenous behavior, which most are happy to indulge. This has resulted in widespread persecution. Some shopkeepers have resorted to signs that read "no cats / no crows' which refer to Kenku and Tabaxi.
Lizardfolk: These misunderstood creatures can be found working the docs and sewers. Because of the savage swamp species who will eat any fresh meat, including human and humid prey, they are feared by those who don't know that the river dwelling species are peaceful and honorable, All of the Lizardfolk who have come to Murgulmuir are "river born".
Tabaxi: Feline cutpurses, shoplifters and pick pockets are a blight on the markets. This has resulted in the same kind of prejudice the Kenku have to deal with. Sadly, in most cases it is warranted.
Tiefing: In the aftermath if the Maelstrom told legions of demons were unleashed. Most of these were killed or banished but the Tiefling remain as grim evidence of that dark time. No one knows how many Tiefking there are in Murgulmuir because most live in disguise as other races. Demons are rightfully reviled and demonspawn are despised right along with them. The demon hunters who fight to rid the world of the remaining demons don't usually discriminate and are willing to execute any Tieflings they find as well. The lords of some lands support this behavior. The masters of the Wheel turn a blind eye unless their is a compelling reason to get involved one way or the other.
Aarakocra: Highly valued for their unparalleled skill as messengers. There is an Aarakocra aerie in the Inner Wheel. They are so valuable that killing one or harming its wings in any way will evoke an immediate and decisive response from the guard.
Bullywug: A few of these peculiar frog folk live and work in and around the docks. There is a small cluster of their raft huts tethered off the shore to the south of where the piers are.
Dwarf (Grey/Duergar): A small group of these creatures lives beneath the ruins of the Old City. They only emerge to trade and when they need something they send envoys that have learned how to speak common. they are isolationist and regularly place traps in the ruins to dissuade explorers from poking around where they don't belong.
Elf (Dark): Dark Elves aren't native to the region and they have no community in Murgulmuir but many individuals have been drawn to the less savory aspects of life in the city. They are very active in the underworld and many leaders of the various Theive's and Assassin's Guilds are of Dark Elven descent.
Elf (High): The only high elves in Mugulmuir are Corsairs, mercenaries whose fast ships and expert navigators sail the most demanding trade routes, usually in service of the Halfling Masters. They keep to themselves and even though they come in through the docks they prefer to live in the Inner Wheel and thanks to lucrative contracts they can afford it. Most locals despise what they take to be an aloof superiority and arrogance. Truth be told, they aren't always off base.
Elf (Wood): If there is an opposite of Arborial, Mugulmuir is it. As a rule, wood elves avoid it like the plague. There are a few that work with animals, as herbologists, tending gardens in the Inner Wheel and acting as guides. They are very uncomfortable in the city and many live in a small community they call "Haven" in the shadows of a massive half dead tree.
Gargoyle: There are a handful of these ancient beings still living in the city they were created to defend. Some of these have developed their own motivations and have become more than was ever intended.
Gnome (Deep): Unlike the Kobolds and Grey Dwarves who have made the ruins of the old city their home, the Deep Gnomes of Mugulmir have burrowed into the bones of the city itself and live in secret rooms and passages between and beneath buildings occupied by others. They are benign but don't seem to understand ownership so just take whatever they need when no one else is looking. The guard are always on the hunt for signs of the "creeper infestation".
Kobold: A tribe of Kobolds lives in the ruins of the old city. They have an arrangement with the Duergar to warn them of possible threats and in return they keep each other apprised of the traps they set. The Kobolds know the ruins well enough to be able to avoid the many dangers that lurk there, They are far too cowardly to explore and lair in buildings they know are safe.
Mouseling: There is an Eebix kingdom in the Upside Sprawl. It isn't very large (in either sense) but the locals like the little creatures so allow them their eccentricities. There are tiny buildings here and there throughout the northern part of the ward and there is even a tiny castle defended at all tines by steadfast knights.
Orc: There used to be a lot more Orcs in the city but they are so violent and unruly that the guard will eject any who don't carry some sort of work permit or writ that proves that they have business being there. Most of those who still remain are toughs, thugs and leg breakers who work the sprawl. There are several tribes represented (which they call bloods - the white bloods, green bloods, blue bloods and black bloods) and they are often at war with each other.
Triton: A few of these aquatic folk live and work down by the docks. They have a lot of status there because of their heritage and abilities.
Undying: There are a few of these Dead Who Live in the city. They are universally feared and almost always try to conceal what they are.
These races are so rare in Murgulmuir that any you encounter are effectively unique
Aasimar, Dragonborn, Goliath, Genasi, Gnome (Forest), Firbolg