As I develop the city state more maps will be added to this section.
You can also use this section as your "City Guide"
As locations get added they will be added to pages linked below.
When there are enough I will also break out sections by ward and do some cross linking.
For now this is sort of a "add as we go" sort of deal.
The Harbor
Inns and Taverns
Adventurer's Guild Halls
Caravaner's Guilds
Monster Hunter's Guilds
Fight Clubs
Parks, Gardens and other green space
The Ruins of the Old City
Other Places of Interest
Everhall Orphanage
Downside Warrens
A longhouse bristling with goblin young, dozens of them. It is an orphanage and workhouse run by
Poppa Hode. Poppa is a massive and good natured Goblin. The little ones love him and several literally hang from him most of the time. His three wives (Momma Belf, Momma Korin and Momma Eda) help out and always seem exhausted. Hode is tireless. He tries to place as many of his charges as he can as fast as he can. He will sometimes resort to indenturing a few when the load becomes too great which isn't much better than slavery. It weighs on him but he doesn't feel he that he has any other choice.
Teleport Circles
There are several systems of permanent teleport circles in use in the city. These are enchanted so that they can be used to travel from one circle in that network to any other in the same network without having to use the Teleportation Circle spell. These “Squared Circles” can be used by anyone who spends an hour to attune themselves to it. A Squared Circle can only be triggered once an hour. There is typically an operator stationed at each one who is already attuned to it. Any number of people can be attuned to a Squared Circle at any given time. Most places that have one of these circles limit access in some way, to members or by charging a fee for access.
When setting up a network each new circle needs to be placed within 1 mile of one of the others in that same network. Creating a Squared Circle is more expensive and complex than setting up a standard permanent Teleportation Circle. Materials cost 1,000gd and the process of daily casting is part of a single ritual so the caster can’t do much else during the entire year. These special circles have sigil sequences like any other and can be reached from anywhere by a mage casting the Teleport Circle spell who has studied the sequence.
Squared Circles have a "keystone" that can be removed to temporarily shut it down. It will operate normally again as soon as the keystone is put back in place. Most of the time, the operators in the Murgulmuir network will leave the keystone out and the circle inactive. When another operator wants to access their Circle they will use Sending to let them know to replace the keystone. Operators often have a Ring of Sending for this purpose.
The following are the networks being employed in and around the City State:
- The Ivory Gates: Slang for an exclusive (and expensive) network with circles in a White Tower just north of town, in the Inner Circle, in the Merchants Ward and on the Docks. This allows the high and mighty to get around without having to mingle with the less than fabulous. The White Tower is a private club that allows access to and use of all the circles in the network. They also serve the very best food and drink for their discerning clientele
- Merchants: There is a Circle in a warehouse on a small island just offshore that has its own dock. Ships that intend to use this network don't even come to port. They offload at the island and move their gods ashore that way. There is a second Circle in the warehouse district in the Lower Wheel, a third in the warehouse district near the Merchant Ward in the Upper Wheel and a fourth in a large building near the stables and roadhouses a half mile northwest of the wall. This network is only used to move goods around safely and efficiently.
- Guards: There are Circles in Guard Towers in the Inner Wheel and the Lower Wheel. In the Upper Wheel there is one in the Guard Tower just outside the Magic, Merchant and Martial Wards. There is sometimes a sixth one in the Sprawl but someone has made an concerted effort to shut it down so it is only working about half the time.
- The Up and Down: This network only has two circles - one in the Upper Wheel, one in the Lower Wheel. The operators only charge 10gd a trip but there is only a 1 in 3 chance the circle you need hasn't been used recently. If it has, you have to wait up to an hour for it to become available and even then there is a 50/50 chance someone else is waiting and you may need to outbid them for it. Even if you have to wait an hour or two, if you have the gold it may be preferable to having to work your way across the city on foot.
- Shadow Networks: There are several networks whose locations are only known to the members of certain organizations.