D&D was the first game of its kind and it has always been the most well known and popular system out there. I have chosen to use it to run most of what I do because it is the default. Most of my clients will either play it or know people who do. I love D&D for what it is and what it means to the hobby. I like D&D 5th edition (D&D Next) just fine. It is probably my favorite iteration. That said, there are some issues I have with it that I have used various house rules to correct. I will provide some of them in this section.
I will seldom use any of these rules for a one shot event. It would simply be too confusing. If you set up a campaign with me we will discuss which of any of these that you would like to use. A Black Rose campaign typically uses all of these.
DEATH: After several years of play I have decided that death doesn’t pose the threat I think it should or have the consequences I feel it should have. I have created several rules to address these issues.