Cooks exist at all levels of society from the workaday peasants who serve up the gruel at the local inn to the serious artists who prepare the sumptuous meals enjoyed by wealthy merchants and the highborn.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature or Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Cook's Utensils
Pack containing an apron, bundle of sharp knives and cook’s tools, pot, pan, cook book, salt cellar, small boxes, jars and bundles containing at least a dozen spices.
Feature: Feast Well
If a cook serves food and drink during a short rest a group of up to 10 can re roll any 1 rolled for any hit die they spend to heal themselves (this even extends to the die rolled for a bard’s song of rest).
The food is just that good.
There are as many different kinds of cooks as there are different kinds of food and people who want it prepared for them. Many play up to the “gruff but lovable” stereotype.
Those who take pride in what they do will bristle at any suggestion that they were “only” a cook. “What finer thing?” they would ask “than to feed body and soul”.