
What follows is an incomplete list of the Gods, their emblems and what is known about them -

Bulobria, the Raving King (red skull) He lives in a fortified tower made of bones. He is depicted as an impossibly tall man dressed in red armor with three faces, one of which is always screaming and one of which is always babbling (he talks with the third). The head of his mace is a massive eyeball and it drives sense and memory from mortal foes with every blow. He demands that those who serve him throw themselves recklessly into conflict.  His blessings include being able to Rage as barbarians do and inspired raving in which adherents enter a trance and babble nonsense that contains powerful truths.

Maygxyx Gorovay, Queen of Echoes (two overlapping rings with a dot in the oval where they overlap) She lives in a chamber that borders on every place where echoes can be easily made. She looks like someone you can't quite remember and when she is done you will forget what she looked like - everything but her smile. It is said that she is an imperfect mirror who can know or do anything but not as well as whoever she is imitating. Her curse is that she can't do anything that hasn't already been done. She is served by repetition. He blessings bestow echoes of skills and abilities - good to have but never as good as the real thing.

Ob the Wanderer (spiral) Ob has no domain. They live among mortals and are always traveling. Ob can alter their appearance at will, changing race and gender with ease. No matter what for they take they are always short for their chosen species, always have one green eye and one brown and always wear a threadbare cloak fastened with a clasp that bears emblem. Ob is fascinated by mortals and is forever testing them. They are served by travel and by drawing spirals. Their blessings include the ability to travel with preternatural speed and to utter a word that will slow others until they are able to look into a mirror.

Zirac, Opener of Ways (bladed key) He lives beside a forgotten crossroads that can only be reached by those who who aren't seeking it but need to get somewhere they cannot reach. No lock or seal can survive his presence or his attention. He appears as an old man with the legs of a goat wearing a cloak made of maps. His weapon is a pebble that he can throw at any target he can see that strikes as through it were a boulder and returns to his hand after each throw.  Zirac is served by opening that which was closed and learning that which was secret. He offers blessings which include the ability to read any language and to escape from and bonds.