Mouseling (Eebix)

The Eebix are diminutive mouselike humanoids that came to Kael from a faraway kingdom many years ago. There is an Eebix Regent in any area where they settle that they all owe fealty to. There will always be a Regent even if they have no actual holdings or are in someone else's domain. Their devotion to this Regent rivals that of any human realm. Wood Elves are very fond of Eebix but Bullywugs avoid them.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, +1 Cha or +1 Dex, +1 Int
Ability Score Minimums: Dex 12
Ability Score Maximums: Str 16, Con 18

Hit Point Adjustment: -1/die

Move: 20ft

Native Language: Reesk (racial language)

Playing a Mouseling

Most other races consider the Eebix adorable. They do not see themselves that way at all. In fact, they take themselves very seriously which makes them even more adorable. Eebix tend to be kind and very earnest. Despite their size they long for adventure. Those that do not adventure themselves thrill to tales of great deeds told by Eebix bards.


Typical Ebix live twice as fast and half as long as humans. Adventurers range in age from 8 or 9 to their mid twenties. Elders are 30 or older. Few live into their 40’s but venerable wizards have been known to live to 50 or more.


Eebix are roughly two and a half feet tall. Their Size is treated as Small - in fact they are so small they are nearly tiny.

Gender and Reproduction

Eebix have gender roles which are very similar to those found in many human kingdoms. Their females are just as brave as the males and just as drawn to adventure as a result there are more female Eebix adventurers than equivalent human settlements tend to produce. Families are very important to the Eebix. They have more children than humans. Gestation only takes 4 months. Twins, triplets and even quadruplets are common.


First names are short and simple such as Alz, Hev, Cret, Le or Purn. Last names are similar to those used in human realms resulting in names such as Rej Coopersmith and Lela Westrig.

Eebix Traits

Courageous: Eebix are very brave. They make saving throws against any effect intended to cause fear or demoralize them at an advantage.

Small Weapons: Eebix can’t use any weapon that typically requires the use of both hands. The only exception is shortbows. They can’t use longbows or crossbows of any kind. Eebix must use two hands to wield weapons that are normally one handed and inflict d8 damage. For the Eebix, longswords and rapiers are two handed weapons.

Small Target: Attacks directed at a Mouseling by a Large size or larger attacker with a  melee weapon must be made at a disadvantage.

Fast Healing: When an Eebix uses hit dice to recover lost hit points during a short rest they get twice the usual amount from each die spent (so if an Eebix hero rolls a 4 they get 8 hit points back). This only affects the hit dice themselves and has no effect on anything else that affects the recovery such as Constitution or a bard’s Song of Rest (if the Eebix hero that rolled a 4 had a Constitution of 14 they get 10 hit points back).

Skitter: Eebix may use a bonus action to Dash.

Eebix Class Options

Open Classes: Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard
Closed Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Sorcerer, Warlock


Eebix Bards know one less cantrip than normal. Instead they have the following;

Heroic Inspiration: Once per short rest the Bard may use his knowledge of the deeds of their companions to inspire them, allowing them to reroll an attack roll, saving throw or skill test. They must know them well enough to know inspirational stories about them, they must see the action they wish to affect and the target must be able to hear their encouragement. This is a free action that can be used at any time. At Level 4 they may do this twice per short rest and at level 7 they may do so three times.


Eebix fighters have access to the following Fighting Style -

Little Guy: You may attack Large (or larger) opponents with advantage.


Eebix paladins are too small to use the Protection fighting style to defend anyone except another mouseling.
Once per short rest, Eebix paladins may use a bonus action to use their Lay On Hands ability on themselves to heal hit points. When they do this they don’t actually lay hands, they use a spoken prayer to draw healing from their pool.


Eebix Rangers have access to the following Fighting Style -

Long Shortbow: In your hands a shortbow has the same stats as a longbow (range 150/600, damage d8).

A Beast Master who chooses a Giant Owl as their Animal Companion can ride it. The Eebix have developed specialized saddles for this purpose.


Eebix Rogues are rare. They can be Assassins but they almost never are.
Eebix Rogues get advantage when using stealth to attempt to stay hidden from large (or larger) opponents. This won’t help them against opponents whose primary sense is smell.


Eebix Wizards get an extra cantrip but they can’t use the Find Familiar spell.
Spell casting is very strenuous for the Eebix. Whenever an Eebix Wizard uses a spell of the highest level available to them they have to make a DC 14 Int save or they gain a level of exhaustion.