Below Decks
Warrens/DocksPrice: Copper / Atmosphere: Copper
Food: Copper / Drink: Silver
A tavern positioned between the Warrens and the Docks. It was constructed and furnished using chunks of wrecked and abandoned ships. It is a moldering dive frequented by sailors and dock workers. The proprietor is a halfling named Budulbort Hess, a retired ship's captain who spends his days drinking himself into a forgetful stupor. The bouncer is a massive lizard man (named Zrugurtt) with a peg leg who carries a belaying pin he uses as a club when anyone gets out of hand.
The Black Rose
Upside SprawlPrice: Gold / Atmosphere: Platinum
Food: Gold / Drink: Gold

Blue Mirror
Upper Wheel
Entering is 1gd. Drinks are free but tips are expected (and should be in the 1-3sp / drink range). “Entertainment” runs anywhere from 2gd to 20gd depending on the entertainer, how much time the customer wants to spend with them and what exactly they want.
A small brothel run by a Mouseling named Madame Mei. Her “entertainers” (of both genders) are all elves or half elves (who are pretending to be full blooded elves). She prefers High Elves but there aren’t many who are interested in what Mei has to offer so most of them are Wood Elves and the majority of those came to Murgulmuir seeking new experiences and were broken by the relentless grind of violence and greed.
The main room is comfortably appointed. There are several couches and big overstuffed chairs around a small stage where an elf is performing whenever the Mirror is open. A human boy named Karl serves drinks to the who want them. Mei greets new customers and rings a small bell to summon whatever entertainers are available to the stage for review. She handles all transactions. The elves never touch the gold while they are on duty.
There are six private rooms upstairs. There is also rumored to be a special room on the third floor that has illusion magic worked into it that gives those two enter the experience of being in what seems to be an elven forest.
Normally these places employ at least one bouncer but no one seems to serve that function. There is just “Auld Bob” who sits on a stool in the corner with a nasty looking mace in his lap.
The place is clean and as far as anyone can tell, the entertainers are treated well but there is something bit sad about the elves that work here.
WarrensPrice: Gold / Atmosphere: Silver
Food: Silver / Drink: Silver
A small tavern that caters to a very particular clientele - this who are attracted to Beast Folk. The owner is a halfling who goes by "Mister Master" but everyone else on staff is one of the Beast Folk of one sort of another. They are all attractive and scantily clad. Musicians are on duty all hours (the "Barnyard Band") and there are always at least three dancers performing. Most of the servers are mouselings, most of the cooks are piglets and most of the dancers are cats. The entire vibe is gross unless you have a fetish for this kind of thing and even then it is obvious that Mister Master is exploiting everyone in the place. The food and drink are actually kind of good but overpriced. There are curtained alcoves where patrons can take dancers who are "on break" to spend a little "private time". There are two bouncers - Bennet the Ox and Caig the Wolf. Both are regularly asked to "make an example" of rowdy customers.
WarrensPrice: Iron / Atmosphere: Iron
Food: Copper / Drink: Copper
A goblin slophouse in the Warrens that serves "stew" and "drink" (a chunky but potent ale). It's only virtue is cost. Patrons can eat or drink their fill for 2 silver (paid at the door) or do both for 3. The place is always overcrowded with dozens of gobbos, it is poorly lit and it reeks. "Poetry Night" is considered a right of passage by some local bards. It takes courage, persistence and no small amount of skill to get the crowd to listen to a poem. The proprietors are twin goblin matrons (Gaisu and Sherlub) who employ a rage prone orc (Ugle) to keep order. He often fails.
The Headsman’s Price
The Sprawl
Price: Copper / Atmosphere: Iron
Food: None / Drink: Copper
The sign out displays three silver coins, the traditional fee paid headsmen who remove the heads of the dead to ensure they won’t become undead.
The tavern is an ancient gothic structure that predates everything around it because it dates back to the time of the old city when it was up to road leading along the ridge to what is now the ruins.
The Headsman’s Price (simply “the Price” to regulars) caters to Headsmen, Bloodletters, Dustmen, Gravediggers, Sewermen, Chimney Sweeps and all those that have jobs many view as unsavory. It is also home to outcasts of various types and is known to be a Tiefing hangout.
The tavern is dark and close. The walls are decorated with tools donated by regulars. The shovels, knives, picks, axes, brooms and the like give it a vaguely sinister atmosphere. There is a “private club” on the second floor that is much nicer but only those who pay a member ship fee are allowed inside.
The Price is run by a middle aged goblin who calls himself Mister Baxter who is always attended by his bodyguard, a Bugbear named Wall and his mistress, a stunning Catfolk woman named Cliara Bell who is rumored tho be much more dangerous than Wall. Baxter always dresses opulently and is fond of displaying largess. He is also rumored to be very well connected.
Price: Silver / Atmosphere: Copper
Food: None / Drink: Copper
A booze hall with a popular gambling room. Dark and full of acrid smoke but less noisy than you might expect. Everyone is very focused on whatever their business is. The main room is circular and surrounded by a ring of private booths. The "drink menu" is very limited and no food is served.
No one gets access to the second floor to gamble without showing that they have at least 5 gold and if they staff doesn't know you it will also usually cost you a silver or to which they call a "membership fee". There is always at least one game going, often many more. Cards, dice, darts and even billiards are played every night.
Hellgate is run by "Mister Drake" who is rumored to be a Dragonborn by the few who have claimed to have actually seen him. His day to day is "Lady White" a human woman whose demeanor is so arresting some assume she must be a demon and that the tavern is named for her. No one in their right mind messes with her. Security is run by Jacobi, a maintain of a fellow who wears a long coat and a half mask that makes it hard to figure out what race he is. The popular theory is some sort of troll. The barkeep is Figgins, a halfling who has a "private stash" of top shelf libation for people he knows and likes who tip well and don't cause trouble.
The Ornery Owlbear
Lower WheelPrice: Silver / Atmosphere: Silver
Food: Copper / Drink: Silver
An inn run by an affable fellow whose name is thought to be Karl but who is known as the Owlbear or just "Bear". He wears a cloak trimmed in bear fur and a pendant in the shape of an Owlbear's head. There is also a stuffed Owlbear in the corner of the main room near the hearth fire. The inn is open to all but is frequented by adventurers who work the downside and can't afford places like the Black Rose. Bear is his own bouncer but his half elven husband Garlen (his mother was a Corsair) is a storyteller who performs most nights and is a useful contact who seems to know everyone. Flophouse space in the common room in back are pennies a night. There are better private rooms upstairs for a few silver. The food is basic and tasteless but the drinks are actually pretty good and Bear pours generously.
The Pink Pig
KnelworthPrice: Copper / Atmosphere: Silver
Food: Gold / Drink: Silver
The Pink Pig is a small Inn in the hamlet of Knelworth (a 10hr ride northwest of the city). It is a charming, rustic little place. It has two front doors - one standard (human sized and a small ones (for halflings, Eebix and the like). The smell of good food hangs heavy in the air. It is run by a gracious halfling host named Leybelle. Her sister Geene runs the kitchen and her daughters Bida and Boda are her servers. There is a single spare room for rent. They don't et many visitors in Knelworth.
The Shattered Shield
SprawlPrice: Copper / Atmosphere: Copper
Food: Silver / Drink: Silver
A sturdy building that used to be a watch tower has been converted into an Inn that caters to retired fighters such as soldiers, guards and gladiators. The first floor is a bar, the second floor has small table where food is served, on the third floor you can rent space for a night in the common room, the fourth floor has two small private rooms and the fifth floor can be rented out for a gold a night. The entire place is simply and efficiently appointed but everything is old and well used which serves as a kind of metaphor for the people who spend time there. The food and dink are both reliable and serviceable (again with the metaphor). The Shield is run by Baldik Kregin - a dwarven guard who took the place over from the previous owner when he retired. He is assisted by his brother Hulmun and a young human woman named Vianne who runs drinks. The regulars swap stories ever night until dawn. There is no need for a bouncer. Anyone who would start trouble here is asking to have a dozen or more veteran fighters pound them senseless. Folk that aren't fighters aren't really welcome and get the "steely eye" until they leave. There is rumored to be an small room downstairs that serves as an impromptu fight club from time to time when the gray beards start itching to throw down.
Three Sheets
Price: Silver / Atmosphere: Silver
Food: Copper / Drink: Silver
A large tavern built on stilts so that it sits sixteen feet higher than the surrounding buildings and has to be reached by using the single stair that winds around the base on the way up or any of the six rope ladders that give the feeling of climbing up into the rigging of a massive ship. Scores of long white banners give the feeling of sails in the wind. Three Sheets is frequented by captains hoping to crew up and the mercenaries looking for shipboard work as more than sailors. It is run by Bligh, a garrulous fellow who is well loved by his regulars and who hosts rousing sing songs when the crowd is sufficiently lubricated. There is no bouncer. The regulars take care of the place when things get out of hand. When that fails, the guard comes in to crack heads and to drink some complementary “Hornpipe” ale.