
Merchants make societies possible, or at least that is what they claim. They are the life blood that facilitates trade between settlements, bringing each community the things they need most - for a price. There are countless merchants is Murgulmuir especially in the Merchants Ward of the Upper Wheel and the Bazaar in the Sprawl.    
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion. Honest merchants have Insight. Crooked merchants have Deception
Language Proficiences: Eler


Honest merchants have a relationship with a bank that will loan them gold and secure wealth and other items for them in their vault.
Crooked merchants have 20 lead weights that weigh 1lb each, 10 “magic potions”, a box of 10 pieces of jewelry worth 2sp each that they believe they can sell for 5gd or more.

Feature: Appraise  

You are able to instantly evaluate the approximate value of anything with which you are familiar. The GM may require an Intelligence save for large or complex loads but generally this is done automatically. Other people can appraise items but merchants do it faster and more reliably.  

Feature: Haggle 
“Never pay full price”.
You get advantage on any deception or persuasion roll required to negotiate a sale.  


You will have to decide whether you were an honest merchant or whether you were “ethically flexible”. Most merchants do what they can to get the best price for goods fairly traded but there are those who will trade in shoddy goods, stolen items or they will inflate the value of what they sell.