
Powerful wizards need apprentices to help them with a variety of tasks from preparing rituals to assisting them with alchemy and enchantment. Not everyone who serves as an apprentice becomes a caster but there are lessons they learn that stay with them no matter where they end up and what they end up doing.

Skills Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight
Language Proficiencies: Arcane


Simple robes, 5 candles, 10 sheets of parchment, quill and ink, pouch with 10 gd.

Feature: Spell Resistance 
Apprentices recieve a +1 to saving throws against arcane spells of level 2 or less. This only applies to spells, not to spell like powers.

NOTE: Humans with the apprentice background who are not casters often take the Magic Initiate or Ritual Magic Feat.


Apprentices are servants and are often students as well. Humility or the ability to make your master believe that you are humble is critical. Cleverness and dedication are also important. Lazy or dull witted apprentices don’t last very long.